
We noticed that some users started misusing our platform. So, it’s time to add some rules.

  1. No spam. If you want to express your opinion, it can be done once only. Spammers will be rewarded with a one-way ticket to ban.
  2. Neutral link description. It means that you can not leave your opinion in the link description. If you are admired with the website or you were scammed, then you should create a link with neutral description like “Shop that sells some stuff” and leave your opinion in the comment section. Any other description will be moderated.
  3. No reputation points farming. We noticed that some users were leaving useless comments that do not make any sense just to gain account level. From this moment such account will be banned.
  4. No rating war. Do not try to destroy your competitor’s reputation by leaving 1-star ratings. Such actions will be banned and also will be banned the link page you are owning.
  5. Link related comments. You should leave comments only that are related to the link you are commenting under. You’ll get banned is doing so.
  6. No advertising. Do not promote your link under on other link pages.

This platform has been created as a source of genuine and independent opinions on various websites and services. Please do not use this website for anything else.

Added some anti-spam protection. If our system recognizes your comment as a spam, it wouldn’t be added into a blockchain.